Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, scientific chair

I. Manolescu has been a co-chair of the Digicosme Spring School in Databases (May 2015) http://labex-digicosme.fr/SpringSchool+2015+%28en%29 .

Scientific events selection

Member of the conference program committees
  • I. Manolescu has been a Review Board member of PVLDB 2015 (Experiment and Analysis track), and a PC member for PODS 2015, SIGMOD 2015 (Demonstrations track), BICOD 2015, the Data Engineering and the Semantic Web (DESWeb) workshop 2015 as well as BDA (the French database conference) 2015


Member of the editorial boards
  • I. Manolescu has been an associate editor for the ACM Transactions on the Web since september 2015.

  • I. Manolescu is a member of the editorial board of the Springer "Data-Centric Systems and Applications" book series

Invited talks

  • I. Manolescu gave two keynote talks: on efficient query answering techniques for RDF at the SEBD 2015 conference [4] , and on RDF summarization at DESWeb workshop in conjunction with ICDE 2015 [5] .

Leadership within the scientific community

N. Bidoit and I. Manolescu are members of the BDA steering committee.